Downtown Homeless
We also assist in distributing personal items to the homeless in downtown Los Angeles. We filmed a recent project where volunteers distributed 500 sleeping bags, 500 toilet kits, and hot meals. Volunteers are needed for the collection and distribution of food and the homeless can always use more items like the above.
Downtown Homeless - Photo 1
As you can see from the size of the Sunday Morning line, there are a lot of people in downtown Los Angeles that really need help.
Downtown Homeless - Photo 2
You can imagine the value of a sleeping bag to a person living on the street. We filmed this recent project where 500 sleeping bags were given away to anyone who wanted one.
Downtown Homeless - Photo 3 This same recent project also included giving away 500 toilet kits to go along with the sleeping bags. The street people were most appreciative.
Downtown Homeless - Photo 4 As you can see, many of the volunteers like to teach their children to be selfless and think of others at a very young age.

Please call or E-mail us for information on how you can volunteer
or if you have suggestions for other service activities to post here.

Our favorite sayings:
Love All Serve All      Help Ever Hurt Never



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